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Business Travel

Need an offer for a buseness travel?

AIRPASS is committed to providing you with a professional and cost effective corporate travel program. Whether your business travel needs are routine or complex, we have the innovative technology and unparalleled personal service to match your organization’s specific business travel requirements. We pay careful attention to detail and will attend to your needs promptly, effectively and within budget.

  • Worldwide Select Hotel Program – Exclusive preferred rates at over 14,000 hotels worldwide

  • Meeting & Incentive Planning

In today’s marketplace, travel and entertainment represents the third largest controllable cost when conducting business. So it’s never been more important to manage expenses by maximizing your company’s travel dollars. Through our association with American Express Global Business Travel, we have an excellent track record in streamlining T&E management processes and enhancing safety, comfort and convenience for the Corporate Traveller.

As your company grows, our team of Travel Counsellors has a wealth of resources that will meet your expanding travel needs. We can help you leverage comprehensive end-to-end solutions that will reduce T&E expenses while increasing employee satisfaction.

If you’d like more information about the services we offer, please contact us at your convenience.

Corporate travel

Airpass Travel Services

The Power of Partnership

Airpass d.o.o. is an independetly owned and operated travel partner of American Express Global Business Travel.

Izkoristite našo specializiranost

American Express Global Business Travel provides and-to-end corporate travel and meetings program management – for companies of all sizes and across all industries – through best-in-class booking technology, smart analytics, worldwide strategic partnerships, and exceptional care.

Amex GBT has presence in nearly 140 countries on six continents means that, no matter where our customers do business, we’re nearby and ready to help them succeed.

Poslovna potovanja American Express Global Business Travel

Airpass je specializiran, da vam ponudi profesionalen in cenovno ugoden skupinski program. Ne glede na to, ali so vaše potovalne zahteve rutinske ali kompleksne, vam naša inovativna tehnologija in posebni odnos do strank omogoča, da ugodimo vašim specifičnim poslovnim željam. Posebno pozornost posvečamo detajlom, ter vaše želje obravnavamo pozorno, efektivno in v okviru vašega proračuna.

Na današnjem tržišču potovanje in zabava predstavljata tretji največji poslovni izdatek, ki ga je mogoče kontrolirati. Zato nikoli prej ni bilo tako pomembno upravljanje stroškov z maksimiziranjem sredstev podjetja. S partnerstvom American Express Global Business Travel imamo odlične statistike zmanševanja stroškov in povečanjem varnosti, udobja in ugodnosti za poslovne potnike.

Hkrati z rastjo vašega podjetja vam bodo naši svetovalci z bogatim izborom resorjev pomagali razširiti vaše potovalne potrebe. Pomagamo vam poiskati primerne rešitve, kakor znižati stroške potovanja in zabave, ter hkrati povečati zadovoljstvo zaposlenih.

Kontaktirajte nas

Offer for a buseness travel

If you want an offer for an Airpass American Express Global Business Travel, you need to fill the form below. Our representative will contact you within 24 hours.

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© Airpass, d. o. o. 2020

GBT Travel Services UK Limited (GBT UK) and its authorized sublicensees use the “American Express Global Business Travel” trademark under a limited license from American Express. “American Express” and the American Express logo are trademarks and the property of American Express Company or its affiliated or related companies (American Express). GBT UK is a subsidiary of Global Business Travel Group, Inc. (NYSE: GBTG). American Express holds a minority interest in GBTG, which operates as a separate company from American Express.

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